Exercise to strengthen your immune system against depression!

In theory, how you perceive something largely determines how you will feel about it. If you have had prolonged period of bad mood, it is by and large a result of how you think. Therefore, the way to make yourself feel more reasonably is to rationalize your own thinking.

Step 1 : |
Deal with your feelings Try to accept your feelings and explore the sources of stress and your unhappiness. It helps you feel better. More: Many people (especially males) have a habit of denying or underestimating their bad feelings. Talking over the sadness with them is rarely useful as they would only deny their feelings, resulting in even more distress. Instead, why don’t they try to accept their feelings? Try to accept your feelings, understand the sources of stress and your unhappiness. It helps you feel better. |
Step 2 : |
Accept that you can cope with bad feelings To “cope” means to manage; you are going to get over with it! Bad feelings do not last forever! Many people beginning stress management may complain, ‘I can’t cope with it? The problem is that the expectations are being set too high and unrealistic ?when you are really feeling sad, it would seem possible to hide the feelings from others, yet it would be impossible to hide from yourself! To “cope” means to manage; you are going to get over with it! Bad feelings do not last forever! Let’s accept all these bad feelings: ![]() |
Step 3 : |
Reward your successes You may break down life changes into smaller steps, and take them one at a time. You will have a better chance of succeeding at each step…… More: It is self-esteem that holds you in high esteem so that you do not need to rely on the approval of others. Success, on the other hand, makes you feel good and encourages you to keep going. You may break down life changes into smaller steps, and take them one at a time. Then you will have a good chance of succeeding at each step. Reward yourself as you succeed every little step, then you might see how important reinforcement is. |

Step 4 : |
Try to identify your self-talk Identify your self-talks and you can observe your reactions when you encounter a similar situation again. More: When the problems are solved, try to remember what your initial self-talk was. Look for imaginations and fantasies, in particular. Sometimes people who claim to have a lot of self-talks are in fact repeating only two or three thoughts over and over again. Sometimes you do not seem to have any ideas but that could mean that these ideas have built into your decision-making processes. Identify your self-talks and you can observe your reactions when you encounter a similar situation again. |
Step 5 : |
Analysis your self-talk See if these common mistakes in thinking have appeared in your self-talks. More: See if these common mistakes in thinking have appeared in your self-talks:
Step 6 : |
Teach yourself to think rationally Turn irrational beliefs into rational ideas. More:

Time is Up!

Time's up
1=Almost always 2=Often 3=Sometimes 4=Occasionally 5=Almost never
The items above indicate how you deal with everyday stress. Note where you scored 3 or above. Please reread the items above, and you may find some ways to increase your vulnerability to stress.
Montgomery, B. & Evans, L. (1993). (2nd ed.). You and stress. Melbourne: Viking O’Neil.
Beck, J. (1995). Cognitive therapy: Basics and beyond. New York: Guildford.